am luat-o de la british council for fun, in timp ce stateam la coada la toaleta, and boy, how i laughed ( and still am 'cause i ain't finished it yet).
let me quote some titles:
1. The British Are Coming!
2. Everyone Else Is Coming! The Invaders ( in this chapter: Saxon, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll; Have Axe, Will Travel: The Vikings; Another brick in the wall--adica despre zidul lui Hadrian-)
Royal Families and How to Survive Them( din partea 3)
Guns 'n' Roses -aka razboiul celor doua roze-
Bad Ideas of the sixteen century: Marrying Henry VIII ( part 4)
Shakespeare: The good, the bard, and the ugly( tot partea 4)
din capitolul 18, partea despre epoca victoriana: Were the Victorians really so cruel to children? Were the Victorians really scared of sex? Were the Victorians really so religious? Did the Victorians oppressed women?
si inca multe altele la care n-am ajuns inca.
si pt ca trebuia a fie ceva si cu mancare in postul asta ( ca se pare ca asta e ocupatia mea de baza lately) aliitle treat form the book:
" All that foreign food
The Romans probably started the international custom of moaning about British cuisine. Not that the British ate badly; just that their range was very limited: Lots of meat and bread followed by bread with meat, with meat( or bread) as a bedtime snack. The Romans brought some better agricultural techniques over with them, along with the latest in ploughs( cutting edge technology!) and showed the Britons how to grow things like cabbage and carrots{ si i-au transformat in iepuri, dupa cum ar spune alex}. A few copies of Roman recipes still exist and they're surprisingly good. Lots of fruit-- the Romans introduced that as well--and things like fish paste and honey. "
2 comentarii:
si nu uita de mancarea de baza, fish and chips cu otet!
cu otet? adica un fel de epste marinat?
scuze pt intarziere raspuns, ieri veni acasa si culcat :(
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