joi, 2 iulie 2009

o suta de chestii despre mine

eh, asta e, m-au descoperit, nu are rost sa ma mai ascund. stiam ca sunt cel mai tare, iar acum o veti sti si voi.

cateva chestii despre mine:

*For Alex Boldea, every street is "one way". His way.
*Alex Boldea and Superman once fought each other on a bet. The loser had to start wearing their underwear on the outside of their pants.
*Guns don't kill people. Alex Boldea kills People.
*If you spell Alex Boldea in Scrabble, you win. Forever.
*Alex Boldea can predict the shuffle on his iPod.
*Alex Boldea counted to infinity - twice.
*Alex Boldea does not hunt because the word hunting implies the possibility of failure. Alex Boldea goes killing.
*Most people fear the Reaper. Alex Boldea considers him "a promising Rookie".
*Alex Boldea sleeps once every 2 weeks, for half an hour, standing up, with his eyes open, and he looks pissed off.
*Alex Boldea's dog is trained to pick up its own poop because Alex Boldea will not take crap from anyone.

the rest is here.

5 comentarii:

puisorul cufurit spunea...

Alex Boldea sleeps once every 2 weeks, for half an hour, standing up, with his eyes open, and he looks pissed off.


Asta e geniala. =))

boldea spunea...

si adevarata, sa stii :D

brightie spunea...

:))) bai ce le trece unora prin cap...

Realdo spunea...

m-am prabusit de ras. si dupa aia - de frica :)

alex spunea...

yeah, beware of the mighty me :))